Wednesday, May 11, 2011

matthew 6:33


"When I was 12 I looked for God, and I found him in the oddest of places. He was in my missing pencils, missing favorite earrings. He was in my lateness to my favorite classes, my bad dreams at night. I looked for God when I would wake up in the darkness and hear the light snores of my roomates, I was 12 and in boarding school, the darkness created shadows and I was more afraid of the night , than my future. I looked for God when I was 12 and I found him. He was everywhere, and with the whisper of every word, I could feel him. I conjured him up as if he were magic, he sat next to me in class, walked with me to the clinic. He sat on my bed as I slept. When I was 12 , the image of God was more than magic, it was a warmth, it was a belief similar to a cloak that had been wrapped around me multiple times. As life prepared to sever me with the coldest of lashes, I felt nothing. I felt nothing because I looked for him.
When I was 16 I lost God, and I could no longer find him in the oddest of places. I found him in my worries, I found him in the mustiness of warm breath against pillow, as cold tears streamlined my face. I found him/her in my mothers eyes, in her pride, and in the motivations I found to see him again. I fell in love, and in the midst of failure I looked for God, and I lost him to the immaturity of human behavior.
I am 20, and I am no longer looking for God. I see pencils as pencils , and missing earrings are worries that last for the moment. The magic has died, and the ability to conjure has passed away along with it. I am no longer looking for God, but I still feel the lashes. The cloak has fallen, and warm breath frequently meets the pillow. The lashes are still sever, but more painful than usual.."- Sheba.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."(MATTHEW 6:33) 
I CAME ACRROSS THIS and it hit me real hard... 
it made me realise that. if i have God i have nothing to worry about because He knows my future and i can only trust in Him...
even tho i back slide he is always willing to take me back no mater what....

you should watch this video.. very uplifiting :d
this made me cry.. beautiful..  thank you Jesus for grace,
even when i get distracted and u want my attention.
you are a jealous God and u want my ALL.. i want to give it
but i need your grace for the task,

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