Monday, April 25, 2011

HE WAS --->> I AM

He was a son
He was a baby adored my his mother
He was a brother
And he  was a friend
He was a man
He was a carpenter
Working with his father
He was a teacher
Who spoke to thousands
He was a healer
He opened blind eyes
He opened deaf ears
He raised people from the dead
He was a radical
He was a friend to the outcast
And rejected by the religious
He was bold he backed out 4 no one
He was brilliant
He confounded the wise
He was love , but he was hated
He was tempted, but did no wrong
He was innocent, but found guilty
He was forsaken
He was beaten beyond recognition
They ripped out his beard
They shoved thorns into his head
He was battered, bruised and broken
His hands and his feet were nailed to a cross
He was crucified , he was murdered
He was the God of all nations
He was our high priest
He was God come to earth
He was the savior of our universe
He was the great light shining in the dark
He was the sun over the horizon
And because he was
I am redeemed 
I am healed
I am forgiven
I am at peace
I am saved
And I am free
HE WAS ..... I AM

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