Thursday, June 30, 2011

MR IDEAL.. ayotunde Ajiboye

ahem cof cof cof...
let me introduce u to MR. Ideal and Mr United Nations.... Ayotunde Oluwaseun Ajiboye(lacream, @lacreeme )  C.E.O clipse Ent... ohh yea and he won dynamix ladies man one time  LIKE THAT.... he is a BADOOO .. o yess he is....
and yea he is handsome...
once upon a time i liked him..x_X *runs under falomo bridge * .

well he was just crowned MR IDEAL 2011 AND MR. UNITED NATIONS... only one person in one day.. one year

sha sha
congratulations dear


Anonymous said...

Damn!!! im scared of those pants but congrats bro, u know my votes really sumfin....... LOUIS TEKNEEQ AYA

Anonymous said...

Damn!!! im scared of those pants but congrats bro, u know my votes really did sumfin as I promised....... LOUIS TEKNEEQ AYA