Saturday, September 24, 2011

happy birthday to my best friend, sister and lover

gosh im not even going to start any emotional yarns.. but u are an awesome person taiwo.. fucking awesome.. yes dude i said it.. ive known u for a year now and u are a pain in the ass and a charming girl.

my angel, that smile keeps me going all the time .. i love u dude 

wonderfully and beautifully created  by my father in heaven.. beat that 

that bllion dollar smile of some1 with a great heart 

my partner in crime woosshhh 

yes we have had our ups and downs and uve been an ass.. but i love u ever so much 

i cherish every momment i spend with u baby 

yes she is my sister... yiupp 

u see ryt thru me.... how do u do that ishh ( eeew mushy) 

taiwo i think i a ur original twin... 

beginning of our friendship

im grateful to God really tho .. really really.. uve made my life much better.. uve been there for me this past year. thru my sad and happy momments,, i appreciate u soo much reall

the fact that u put other people first encourages me to help people around...
i love u 4 who u are .. ugghh abeg getting too mushy...
ok bye

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